Search Results for Zhong wen xiao shu jiaSirsiDynix Enterprise$003dZhong$002bwen$002bxiao$002bshu$002bjia$0026ps$003d1000?2025-03-18T16:48:25ZJia ting : wo zi jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22657132025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Meimei the panda : colours = Xiong mao Meimei : yan seent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217412025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Meimei the panda : jobs = Xiong mao Meimei : gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217432025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jia ting : ma ma he woent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22657152025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jia ting : mei mei he woent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22657122025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jia ting : ye ye he woent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22657142025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jia ting : ba ba he woent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22657162025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Meimei the panda : looks = Xiong mao Meimei : zhang xiangent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217392025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jin si hou Dongdong : sheng rient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23216432025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Xiong mao Meimei : si jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217452025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Hou = Chinese idioms about monkeys and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217762025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Qi, Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji. Cheng yu gu shi = The Chinese library series. Elementary level. Idioms and their stories.<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Jin si hou Dongdong : shi jianent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23216422025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>The white snake [Chinese] = Bai she zhuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821392025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Jin si hou Dongdong : mu qin jieent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217282025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jin si hou Dongdong : hui jia de luent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217292025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Jingwei fills up the sea [Chinese] = Jing wei tian hai.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821382025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. : Shen hua xi lie.<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Liu Yi delivers the letter [Chinese] = Liu yi chuan shuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821402025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Shen hua xi lie. Zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>The tears of Meng Jiangnu [Chinese] = Meng Jiangnü ku Chang Chengent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821412025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Han yu fen ji du wu =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Jin si hou Dongdong : zai cheng shi de yi tianent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23216402025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Gou = Chinese idioms about dogs and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217822025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Ji = Chinese idioms about roosters and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217782025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Zhu = Chinese idioms about pigs and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217812025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Shu = Chinese idioms about rats and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217852025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Here comes the wind = Feng lai leent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217322025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Ru men ji, Xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Story of the apple tree = Ping guo shuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217352025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Ru men ji, Xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Story of the little droplet [Chinese] = Xiao shui zhuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217372025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Ru men ji, Xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>Pangu and the creation of the world [Chinese] = Pan gu kai tian deent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821362025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Shen hua xi lie. Zhun zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : friends [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi peng youent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217582025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi: hu = Chinese Idioms about Tigers and Their Related Storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217732025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi: tu = Chinese Idioms about Hares and Their Related Storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217742025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi: she = Chinese Idioms about Snakes and Their Related Storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217772025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi: ma = Chinese Idioms about Horses and Their Related Storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217792025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi: long = Chinese Idioms about Dragons and Their Related Storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217802025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : camping [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi lu yingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217592025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : exam [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi kao shient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217602025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : Chinese lesson [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi zhong wen keent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217632025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : athletic meeting = Xue xiao zhi yundong huient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217642025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>When the sun didn't rise [Chinese] = Tai yang bu chu lai leent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217312025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Ru men ji, Xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>The caterpillar and the tadpole [Chinese] = Mao mao chong he xiao ke douent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217342025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Ru men ji, Xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # CE CHI<br/>My school : talent show [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi cai yi biao yanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217622025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : Christmas ball [Chinese] = Xue xiao zhi sheng dan wu huient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217652025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : the aliens came = Xue xiao zhi wai xing ren lai leent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217672025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school: black Friday = Xue xiao zhi he se xing qi wuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217682025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>My school : school fair = Xue xiao zhi yi mai huient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217662025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, xian dai gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Yang = Chinese idioms about sheep and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217722025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Shi er sheng xiao cheng yu gu shi. Niu = Chinese idioms about oxen and their related storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23217842025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Carol Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Chu ji, Cheng yu gu shi =<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Cabin fever [Chinese] = Xiao pi hai ri ji / 6.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22678912025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jeff. Kinney<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Call # FC KIN<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 7.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19602252025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 1.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605672025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Character education series ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 1<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 8.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605682025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 2.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591192025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 2<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 4.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591202025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 5.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591212025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 3.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19607742025-03-18T16:48:25Z2025-03-18T16:48:25ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>