Search Results for Zi, YuSirsiDynix Enterprise$003dZi$00252C$002bYu$0026ps$003d1000?2025-03-14T00:21:52ZInteresting idioms (1) [Chinese] = Qu wei cheng yu jie longent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19598712025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Zi, Yu<br/>Format Books<br/>2009-2010<br/>Series Children growing books<br/>Call # CN 411 IDI<br/>My orchard [Chinese &English] = Wo de guo yuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525862025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shui guo Fruits =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>Hey! zebra! [Chinese & English] = Hei!Ban ma!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525822025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shi wu Fruits & drinks =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>What's this? [Chinese] = Zhei shi shen me?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525812025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shi wu Fruits & drinks =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>Anything wrong with amenable children? [Chinese] = Ting hua de hai zi you cuo maent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23412362025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Yu. Huang<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Ha Pipi kuai le cheng zhang xi lie<br/>Call # FC HAP<br/>Other kids are better [Chinese] = Wei shen me zong shi bie ren de hai zi haoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22654962025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Yu. Huang<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Ha Pipi kuai le cheng zhang xi lie<br/>Call # FC HAP<br/>The frog prince [Chinese] = Qing wa wang zient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830632025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>A table, a donkeyand a stick [Chinese] = Zhuo zi, jin lü he gun zient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:10600612025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Learning Chinese language for ages 3-4 = Bao bao xue yu yan / 3-4 sui, Shang.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16422392025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2011<br/>Call # CE LAN<br/>Three character children's song selection [Chinese] = San zi er ge jing xuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16422362025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Tong Ying Wen Hua<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Call # CE FIR<br/>Old hat, new hat [Chinese]ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16411662025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2010<br/>Series The berenstain bears.<br/>Call # CE BER<br/>Clever hedghog [Chinese] = Cong ming de ci weient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23551582025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Xiao mi mi shao er Han yu hui ben du wu<br/>Call # CE JOY<br/>Self-rescue = Zi jiuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12890412025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Zi. Liang<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Er tong quan fang wei jiao yu du ben<br/>Call # CN 363.1 CHI<br/>Animal world [Chinese] = Dong wu shi jieent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:9529812025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Science encyclopedia for growing children<br/>Call # CN 591 ANI<br/>Small eggshell adventure [Chinese] = Xiao dan qiao li xian jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23174232025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Zi, Bing<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Series Tao tao cong shu : pin yin ban.<br/>Call # FC TAO<br/>Etiquette = Li yient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12890402025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Zi. Liang<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Er tong quan fang wei jiao yu du ben<br/>Call # CN 395 CHI<br/>The clown's socks.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16411632025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Wang Ling and Cao Yuan<br/>Format Books<br/>2009 1900-1999<br/>Series Hao Wa Wa Shui Qian Wu Fen Zhong Cong Shu.<br/>Call # CE CLO<br/>Grade 2 diary [Chinese] = Er nian ji ri ji kuangent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23550942025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Meizhen Wu<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Sunshine sister's garden<br/>Call # FC SUN<br/>Interesting animal storiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605772025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Dan Tong<br/>Format Books<br/>2011 1900-1999<br/>Series The classic story book for children<br/>Call # FC PBH<br/>Cabin fever [Chinese] = Xiao pi hai ri ji / 6.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22678912025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jeff. Kinney<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Call # FC KIN<br/>Three character classic [Chinese] = San zi jingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23444502025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Chuan. Liang<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series You er su zhi jiao yu cong shu<br/>Call # CE KID<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 7.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19602252025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 2.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591192025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 2<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 1.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605672025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Character education series ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 1<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 8.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605682025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 4.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591202025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 5.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591212025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Winter illustrated [Chinese] = Dong tian hua baoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22577472025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2012<br/>Call # CN 508.2<br/>Teach you to use good words and good sentences : color phonetic version [Chinese] = Shou ba shou jiao ni yong hao ci hao ju hao duan : cai se zhu yin banent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19966742025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Chen. Ying<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Hands series<br/>Call # CN 415 USI<br/>Annoying mosquitos [Chinese] [book & CD] = Tao yan de wen zient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22532572025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 9<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>James and the Giant Peach [Chinese] = Zhan mu si yu da xian taoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22954582025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Roald. Dahl<br/>Format Books<br/>2009<br/>Series Luoerde Daer zuo pin dian cang<br/>Call # FC DAH<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 3.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19607742025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Where is the mosquito? [Chinese] = Wen zi qu na er liao?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23270892025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Xiao mi mi bian xie zu<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Xiao mi mi shao er Han yu hui ben du wu<br/>Call # CE JOY<br/>Bear snores on [Chinese] = Bei er xiong da hu luent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23578092025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jian Chapuman<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Bei er xiong he peng you men guan yu you qing de gu shi.<br/>Call # CE WIL<br/>The nightingale [Chinese] = Ye yingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830562025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Mysteries [Chinese] = Shen mi shi jianent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24376872025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Shao, An<br/>Format Books<br/>2022, 2020<br/>Series Xiao zhu Peiqi xin li cheng zhang gu shi shu<br/>Call # CE PEP<br/>Compost [Chinese] = Dui feient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24376892025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Shao, An<br/>Format Books<br/>2022, 2020<br/>Series Xiao zhu Peiqi xin li cheng zhang gu shi shu<br/>Call # CE PEP<br/>The ugly duckling [Chinese] = Chou xiao yaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830602025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Musical instrument [Chinese] = Yue qient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24445962025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Shao, An<br/>Format Books<br/>2020<br/>Series Xiao zhu Peiqi xin li cheng zhang gu shi shu<br/>Call # CE PEP<br/>Talent day [Chinese] = Cai yi rient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24446022025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Shao, An<br/>Format Books<br/>2020<br/>Series Xiao zhu Peiqi xin li cheng zhang gu shi shu<br/>Call # CE PEP<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 6.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12971742025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jie, Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>The tinderbox [Chinese] = Da huo xiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:10600632025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>The Brementown musicians [Chinese] = Bulaimei de yin yue jiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:10600602025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>The steadfast tin soldier [Chinese] = Jian ding de xi bingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830532025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Beauty and the beast [Chinese] = Mei nü yu ye shouent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830652025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Brawl of the wild [Chinese] = Ye xing zhi zhanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24445832025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Dav, Pilkey<br/>Format Books<br/>2022<br/>Series Shen tan gou gou man hua xi lie = Dog Man ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 6<br/>Call # FC PIL<br/>The little match girl [Chinese] = Mai huo chai de xiao nü haient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830572025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>Three little pigs [Chinese] = San zhi xiao zhu gai xin fangent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830622025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>My first safety passport : safe trip [Chinese] = Wo de di yi ben an quan hu zhao : ping an chu xingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22950792025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Jingsong, Liu<br/>Format Books<br/>2012<br/>Series Xue hui bao hu zi ji =<br/>Call # CN 363.1 MY<br/>For whom the ball rolls [Chinese] = Qiu wei shei er gunent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24445842025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Dav, Pilkey<br/>Format Books<br/>2022<br/>Series Shen tan gou gou man hua xi lie = Dog Man ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 7<br/>Call # FC PIL<br/>My first safety passport : self help [Chinese] = Wo De Di Yi Ben An Quan Hu Zhao : Zi jiu hu zhuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22950842025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy jin song. Liu<br/>Format Books<br/>2012<br/>Series Xue hui bao hu zi ji<br/>Call # CN 363.1 MY<br/>Boys' favourite 93 stories for growing up [Chinese] = Rang nan hai zi zhe mi de 93 ge cheng zhang hao gu shient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12971592025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Yueming, Zhou<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Zhong guo er tong cheng zhang bi du cong shu.<br/>Call # FC NEW<br/>The town mouse and the country mouse [Chinese] = Cheng li lao shu he xiang xia lao shuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23830552025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZFormat Books<br/>2008<br/>Series Lang du zhe, you sheng du wu =<br/>Call # CE REC<br/>How full is your bucket? For kids [Chinese] = Ni de shui tong you duo man? Shao er banent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23696862025-03-14T00:21:52Z2025-03-14T00:21:52ZBy Mary Reckmeyer<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Call # CE RAT<br/>