Search Results for Michele BorbaSirsiDynix Enterprise$003dMichele$002bBorba$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-18T14:23:19ZNo more misbehavin' : 38 difficult behaviors and how to stop thement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3400302025-03-18T14:23:19Z2025-03-18T14:23:19ZBy Michele. Borba<br/>Format Books<br/>2003<br/>Call # PL 649 BOR<br/>Access Now <a href=""></a>
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Publisher description <a href=""></a><br/>Building moral intelligence : the seven essential virtues that teach kids to do the right thingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:846142025-03-18T14:23:19Z2025-03-18T14:23:19ZBy Michele. Borba<br/>Format Books<br/>2001<br/>Call # TR 649.7 BOR<br/>Parents do make a difference : how to raise kids with solid character, strong minds, and caring heartsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:8576932025-03-18T14:23:19Z2025-03-18T14:23:19ZBy Michele. Borba<br/>Format Books<br/>1999 1900-1999<br/>Series The Jossey-Bass series<br/>Call # PL 649.7 BOR<br/>Don't give me that attitude! : 24 rude, selfish, insensitive things kids do and how to stop thement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3400252025-03-18T14:23:19Z2025-03-18T14:23:19ZBy Michele. Borba<br/>Format Books<br/>2004<br/>Call # PL 649.64 BOR<br/>