Back in February, I green dotted - the process in which I place a green dot on a new book - entitled Binky Under Pressure by Ashley Spires. At the time, I didn't know that Binky was already a well known space cat. I just saw the short graphic novel - graphic novella? - as cute. I mean, it's about a cat who thinks outside the house equals outer space! To my knowledge, we didn't hold the other books - we do, by the way, just not all in the same section for some strange reason (libraries lack logic). So yesterday, I picked up the first book and gave it a read. And Ashley Spires did not disappoint. Binky may seem like an ordinary cat, but he has a purpose. After receiving his acceptance letter to F.U.R.S.T. - Felines of the Universe Ready for Space Travel - he takes the much needed steps for space exploration. The only problem is, Binky begins to worry about his humans. Who would take care of them from the evil aliens that are constantly invading the space station? Will Binky be able to part with them in order to have adventures in outer space? Ashley Spires delivers a hilarious little tale about a kitten who had a dream and learns what's most important in life.
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